January 25, 2021
4 Proven Mobile App Development Tactics to Engage Your Users
4 Proven Mobile App Development Tactics to Engage Your Users
Posted On: January 25, 2021

For your app to get off the ground and gain popularity you would need more than just an interesting idea. What you need rather are demonstrable strategies that serve to drive higher engagement levels. Leveraging bespoke mobile app development services allows you to do just that. Once you’ve built your app, think thoroughly about all its minute details. If your app’s goal is to generate revenue, assist and serve your users, it would need meticulous nurturing at the concept level itself. 

Tip 1: Create a trial version

Launch a trial version along with in-app purchases or present an alternative to subscribe to a premium version. This ‘try before you buy’ approach allows your users to explore your app as much as possible, hassle-free. It showcases to your users the value of your app before they actually commit to it. It could be unlimited access to cloud storage or a video course subscription and so on. The bottom line is that your price should justify the value of the app for your users.

Tip 2: Showcase the app as a solution to a problem

Apps do not function in a vacuum; your users need to know that your app is a solution to a specific problem that they may be facing. Showcase how your app helps to solve problems. Though this may sound like marketing, it’s mostly concerned with ensuring that users are aware of the benefits your app affords them. Upload your solutions on Google Play video/App Store and screen previews. Also, add a few tips for new users within the app (in the form of onboarding screens and pop-ups).

Tip 3: Give speed a high priority

Consumers today are more demanding than ever. This is why all the behind-the-scenes functions of your app should prioritize speed. An app that is not quick and consistent each time it’s opened will inevitably face abandonment, sooner or later.

Tip 4: Push notifications

You wouldn’t want to keep your app silent for long periods of time or your users are likely to forget about it. Yet this isn’t a license to spam your users inconsiderately. Currently, with the help of a leading mobile app development company you can create highly tailored and customized push notifications. You can target devices, platforms, users who have performed certain actions, and more. This is possible as you can target platforms, devices, users who have performed particular actions repetitively. 


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